Within every child, every family and in every culture the experience of childhood is a unique journey. We commit ourselves to this adventure by responding to the children’s needs and creating an environment which promotes a sense of Belonging, Being and Becoming and facilitating a program that focuses on the 5 Learning Outcomes.

  1. Identity – Children have a strong sense of identity.
  2. Community – Children are connected with and contribute to their world.
  3. Wellbeing – Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.
  4. Learning – Children are confident and involved learners.
  5. Communication – Children are effective communicators.

We believe that exploration awakens the children’s learning, interests and imagination, creating sense of self-worth to move through life and its challenges.

Our service practices underpin the guiding principles of the National Quality Framework.

These principles are:         

  • The rights and best interests of the child are paramount.
  • Children are successful, competent and capable learners.
  • Equity, inclusion and diversity underpin the framework.
  • Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are valued.
  • The role of parents and families is respected and supported.
  • Best practice is expected in the provision of education and care services.

We aim to achieve this by:


We believe:

  • Children are capable and resourceful learners who are active contributors to their own learning.
  • Children need to be valued as individuals, within the context of their family and their community.
  • Children can develop confidence and positive self-esteem through a supportive and secure environment.
  • The right and best interests of the child are paramount.
  • In providing a learning environment where children are free to observe, question, experiment and explore.
  • Multiculturalism as an awareness not a process, showing respect and support of all cultures. Our program will incorporate expressions from varied cultures on a regular basis.

Therefore we:

  • Implement a child-centred program based upon the principles outlines in the National Early Years Framework and the National Quality Standards.
  • Strive to empower children, by using their thoughts and ideas to develop the program.
  • Promote each child’s confidence and positive self-image through a range of provisions, experiences and opportunities that build upon their understandings, skills, values and sensitivities and promote success.
  • Implement and inclusive approach to positively support children’s growth of identity, self-esteem and critical thinking.
  • Encourage each child to reach their full potential in accordance with their individual ability.
  • Are committed to the full participation of children with additional needs.
  • Ensure each child’s health is promoted and supported.


We believe:

  • Trust, respect and collaboration form the basis for strong partnerships between families and staff.
  • Families, children and staff form a caring community.
  • Family involvement is integral to a high quality program.

Therefore we:

  • Are committed to open and constructive communication with families which includes discussions, online portfolios, daily reflections and newsletters.
  • Strive to have empathy and be responsive to family needs, and provide support when required.
  • Encourage families to engage in meaningful participation within the program.
  • Respect and support the role of families.


We believe:

  • Children learn through collaboration and communication with other children and adults and through interacting with the environment.
  • Children need opportunities to practice and consolidate their skills in key learning areas including: language and literacy; creativity and expressive arts; mathematics; science and social and development and work towards learning outcomes as expressed in the Early Years Learning Framework – ‘Belonging, Being & Becoming’.
  • A rich, stimulating and nurturing environment has the potential to stimulate imagination, promote creativity and enhance aesthetic development.
  • Diversity within our service, families, staff and wider community should be respected and celebrated and that we can play a role in fostering and developing a social conscience among children with a view to addressing social inequities.

Therefore we:

  • Implement a flexible program that is responsive to the evolving nature of the early childhood environment and that provides for different learning styles.
  • Make observations of children and document their work to form the basis of the program.
  • Use both indoor and outdoor environments to encourage the children’s ability to observe, perceive, explore, investigate, imagine, make choices and problem solve.
  • Provide attractive, well maintained play areas, with the thoughtful use of furnishings and displays.
  • Introduce children to a wide range of social and cultural experiences, family types and different ways of doing things so they will learn to value diversity, learn to accept challenges they may face and become fully realised member of society.


We believe:

  • In employing educators who are committed to working for the best interests of children and families.
  • That each educator brings fundamental, personal qualities to the service environment such as empathy, respect, warmth and a passion for learning.
  • In the importance of creating an environment where personal and professional contributions are valued, communication is open and confidentiality is maintained.

Therefore we:

  • Provide opportunities for educators to share in decision making and to obtain feedback.
  • Provide a safe and comfortable working environment with release time for programming and other duties.
  • Provide ongoing professional development for educators.


We believe:

  • We must strive to be a service of excellence for early childhood educators within our community.
  • As advocates for our profession, it is important to share our knowledge and experience.
  • We are a central link to information and support services within the wider community.
  • In the importance of nurturing established relationships with community organisations, council and local schools.
  • The needs of children, families, educators and the community are constantly changing and that ongoing evaluation is essential to create and service that is responsive to those needs.
  • In valuing Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Cultures.

Therefore we:

  • Ensure that we operate within the guidelines set down by governing and professional bodies.
  • Encourage Early Childhood and work experience students to take part in our program.
  • Utilise local services in an effective and meaningful way.
  • Participate in community events.
  • Evaluate our service goals and program regularly.

The early years are an integral part of a child’s life that goes past so quickly so it’s important to remember to stop and ‘enjoy the moment’.

“It’s the little details that are vital.

Little things make big things happen.”

  • John Wooden



Belonging, Being, Becoming
National Quality Standards
Education and Care Services National Regulations
Early Years Learning Framework
Parent & Staff Feedback 

Revised January 2021